Todogrids is a 797 days old personal project. Although incomplete, it should be valuable enough for daily use. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest updates:

Todogrids is just a todo list with a calendar heat map. Your view is based on the selected day, represented by the yellow square. To select a day, click on the desired cell. Each cell represents a date. To fill up a cell, add todos to your day and check them off when completed. Your heat map should provide the subtle push to get things done. Here is how mine looks like as of 2/2/2023:

example heatmap

Cells with a red border represents days with incomplete todos, whereas those with green borders have future todos planned. Your selected day has a thick black border, and the yellow cell represents the current day.

Incomplete tasks will spill over into your backlog which shows above your todos if your selected day is today:

backlog image

Backlogs will never disappear until you complete all tasks. They are designed to be visible (and annoying), which helps keep you on your feet on what is being swept under the rug.

You can also create categories to help you organise your tasks. Simply type # to toggle the category modal:

category image

You can also filter your entire view by categories. When a filter is active, your heatmap will show only the days where there are todos assigned to the selected categories:

filter by categories image

Any new todos created will automatically be assigned to the filtered categories. This will make it easier to create many todos within the same category.

new todo with category filter image

That's it. Todogrids is just a todo list with a calendar heat map and an annoying backlog.

Currently, it is free to use. However, it will eventually be a pay-to-use product once features mature.

If you are signed in, your data is persisted on our servers and will sync across devices. Otherwise, your data is stored on your browser's local storage which does not persist across devices.

Made by @raymondmoay. Todogrids is still in beta with many features (search, recurring todos) coming soon. Subscribe for updates.